2最新雅思口语Part2话题答案: a time you moved to a new home or school Moving to a new home or school can be a significant event in one's life. It often brings about a mix of emotions and challenges. In this article, I will share my personal experien...
Gong Tingjie was born in 1997. His grandparents and their generation all lived near the riverand relied on it for a living. When it came to his generation, being the only child of the family, he was expected to stay away from the waves and live a m...
Tourism insiders say that Shanxi is a perfect region to tour and study ancient Chinese architecture because it is home to the largest number of preserved ancient structures in the country. Jiexiu, a county in central Shanxi, is one such destination...
Going to a public exhibition is often free of charge/cost. 去看公众展览通常是免费的。如果是商家付钱,我们可以说 “on the house”,如果是自己请客呢?我们就可以用 “on me”。例:On me this time. 这次我请客。2 学完house的用法,home的用法你知道多少呢~...
>China home to 40% of world's hydrogen refueling stations 我国加氢站数量位居世界第一 A worker checks on hydrogen tanks slated for use at the Beijing Winter Olympics and Par...